Fonte - Zero Hora - Edição de domingo dia 10.11.2013 .
Cada vez que o país promove um evento internacional importante , como foi o recente Campeonato Mundial de Atletismo Master realizado em Porto Alegre , visitantes estrangeiros fazem uma queixa comum : a dificuldade de se comunicar em inglês . O Brasil até melhorou um pouco neste quesito essencial para o turismo e para o próprio desenvolvimento , mas ainda deixa muito a desejar . Segundo pesquisa divulgada nesta semana pela empresa de intercambio sueca Education First ( EP ), nosso país passou da 46a para a 38a posição entre 60 nações avaliadas em relação a proficiência em língua inglesa . Mas ainda esta classificado sob o rótulo de ´ baixa proficiência ` no idioma que , querendo ou não , transformou-se no esperanto da modernidade .
Saber inglês atualmente é essencial , pois essa é a língua da tecnologia , da ciência , e da comunicação multilateral . Houve um tempo em que a invasão de palavras estrangeiras no vocabulário nacional era vista como prova de submissão `a cultura norte-americana .Isso ficou no passado .Com a internet os avanços da tecnologia digital , os idiomas se aproximam cada vez mais , o que pode ser comprovado pela criação constante de novas palavras , sendo ou não incorporadas oficialmente ao vocabulário . Basta lembrar ,por exemplo ,termos como deletar , printar ou mesmo o neologismo googlear .
A análise sobre o Brasil é constrangedora . Segundo os pesquisadores , mais de 80% da classe média brasileira não fala uma língua estrangeira . E o percentual de indivíduos que falam com fluência o idioma é insignificante na relação com o potencial de desenvolvimento do país . O ranking formado após a tabulação dos resultados de entrevistas com quase 5 milhões de pessoas mostra países europeus nas 10 primeiras colocações e aponta para a evolução rápida dos asiáticos .

Mitt Romney is american`s republican presidential nominee . He is challenging president Obama in the 2012 US elections this month . Romney is a mormon and , if he wins , he will be American`s first mormon president . The republican party is tradicionally protestant . Are American`s ready for a mormon president ?
Williard Mitt Romney was born in Detroit , Michigan in 1947 . His father , George W. Romney grew up in a mormon colony in Chihuahua , Mexico . However , Romney`s family are of english origin . The Romney family returned to the United States in 1912 . George W. Romeney became CEO – Chef Executive Officer - of American`s Motors and the Governor of Michigan . ...
Mitt Romney was a successful student . He attended Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School . In 1966 he went to France as a mormon missionary. This is a traditional mormon duty . He was not very successful as a missionary at first . He says he only converted 10 people during his 30 months in France . Romney was in a bad car accident in 1968 . He injured his back badly and his passenger was killed . Romney recovered and became co-president of the French mission . He motivated his followers and converted 200 people that year .
What qualities make Romney a good candidate for a US president ? Basically , he is successful . He ran a successful investment firm called Bain Capital . It helped rebuild hundreds of companies . In 1999 rescue the Winter Olympic Games from disaster. The games suffered from scandal , poor organization and lack of funds . Romney took over the management and staged one of the most successful games . In 2002 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts . The state was in recession. Unemployment was high. Romney transformed a $3 billion deficit into a $2 billion surplus .
Will Romney win ? He is not a true republican .He says he will abolish Obama`s healthcare law , but he fought for similar legislation in Massachusetts . He has said he fights for the middle classes and not the rich . But , most important , he`s a mormon . Will his faith condition his decision on issues like the balance between rich and poor , same –sex marriage , war and torture ? These are difficult questions Romney must answer .
Mitt Romney is american`s republican presidential nominee . He is challenging president Obama in the 2012 US elections this month . Romney is a mormon and , if he wins , he will be American`s first mormon president . The republican party is tradicionally protestant . Are American`s ready for a mormon president ?
Williard Mitt Romney was born in Detroit , Michigan in 1947 . His father , George W. Romney grew up in a mormon colony in Chihuahua , Mexico . However , Romney`s family are of english origin . The Romney family returned to the United States in 1912 . George W. Romeney became CEO – Chef Executive Officer - of American`s Motors and the Governor of Michigan . ...
Mitt Romney was a successful student . He attended Harvard Business School and Harvard Law School . In 1966 he went to France as a mormon missionary. This is a traditional mormon duty . He was not very successful as a missionary at first . He says he only converted 10 people during his 30 months in France . Romney was in a bad car accident in 1968 . He injured his back badly and his passenger was killed . Romney recovered and became co-president of the French mission . He motivated his followers and converted 200 people that year .
What qualities make Romney a good candidate for a US president ? Basically , he is successful . He ran a successful investment firm called Bain Capital . It helped rebuild hundreds of companies . In 1999 rescue the Winter Olympic Games from disaster. The games suffered from scandal , poor organization and lack of funds . Romney took over the management and staged one of the most successful games . In 2002 he was elected Governor of Massachusetts . The state was in recession. Unemployment was high. Romney transformed a $3 billion deficit into a $2 billion surplus .
Will Romney win ? He is not a true republican .He says he will abolish Obama`s healthcare law , but he fought for similar legislation in Massachusetts . He has said he fights for the middle classes and not the rich . But , most important , he`s a mormon . Will his faith condition his decision on issues like the balance between rich and poor , same –sex marriage , war and torture ? These are difficult questions Romney must answer .