Básico I - PROJETO PESCAR . Controle de conteúdos.
Essas três maneiras que coloquei , todas significam : como vai você ?
What is up ? quais as novidades .
What is going on ? que esta acontecendo .
Vou deixar aqui desde já , um resumo dos temas que iremos abordar na próxima semana . Assistam os vídeos procurando sempre gravar alguma coisa , que será de grande valia para vocês , ok .
Pronomes pessoais
I ,you , he , she , it , you , we , they .
Iremos abordar as formas afirmativas , negativas e interrogativas usando o verbo TO BE .
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am a teacher . I am not a teacher . Am I a teacher ?
You are a lawyer . You are not a lawyer . Are you a lawyer ?
He is a journalist . He is not a journalist . Is he a journalist ?
She is a recpcionist . She is not a recepcionist . Is she a recepcionist ?
You are the sunshine of my life You are not the sunshine of my life . Are you the sunshine of my life ?
We are good friends . We are not good friends . Are we a good friends ?
They are classmates They are not classmates . Are they classmates ?
Abordaremos , também , o alfabeto . Click no vídeo abaixo , ok .
Iremos aplicá -lo nos seguintes exemplos :
Speeling names - Soletrar nomes .
How do you spell your first name ? Como você soletra teu primeiro nome ?
How do you spell your middle name ? Como você soletra teu nome do meio ?
How do you spell your last name ? Como você soletra teu último nome ?
Iremos identificar objetos através do vídeo abaixo .
Números e mais esse pequeno diálogo abaixo .
What is your name ? Qual o seu nome ?
How old are you ? Quantos anos você tem ?
Where are you from ? De onde você é ?
What is your occupation ? Qual o seu trabalho ?
Are you married ? Você é casada ?
What is your phone number ? Qual o número do seu telefone ?
What is your e-mail ? Qual seu e-mail ?
Abaixo estou colocando os dias da semana e alfabeto , ok .
Abaixo estou colocando os dias da semana e alfabeto , ok .
Let`s check together what`s going on again , right .
Pegue o finalzinho da frase AGAIN , RIGHT e coloque : in this page , in the next page , right now , with you , with our relationship , in all over the world .
Let`s check together , what´s going on in this vídeo , please .
Começamos agora a praticar com o apoio de vídeos , ok .
Feito isso , abra o vídeo BROWN , onde esta todo o texto do diálogo . Leia o texto e volte a assistir o vídeo . Agora abra o vídeo BLUE , onde esta o texto do diálogo com a tradução . Feito isso , agora volte a assistir e sinta o resultado .
The big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back !
The big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back
The big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back
Exercise number 2 .
Abra o vídeo acima : SHOPPING PROBLEMS , ok . Repita o mesmo procedimento do vídeo TELL ME A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELF , ok . Deixe seu comentário e sugestões , ok . Energia positiva sempre .
The big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back
I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop.Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
I saw Susie sitting in a shoeshine shop.Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
Exercise number 2 .
MADUMUSIC SCHOOL - Abra o vídeo abaixo e , logo a seguir , o vídeo X1 e X2 , ok .
Madumusic School - Pesquisa e metodologias para facilitar o seu aprendizado .
Madumusic School - Pesquisa e metodologias para facilitar o seu aprendizado .
addition of ideas | and, also, besides, further, furthermore, too, moreover, in addition, then, of equal importance, equally important, another |
time | next, afterward, finally, later, last, lastly, at last, now, subsequently, then, when, soon, thereafter, after a short time, the next week (month, day, etc.), a minute later, in the meantime, meanwhile, on the following day, at length, ultimately, presently |
order or sequence | first, second, (etc.), finally, hence, next, then, from here on, to begin with, last of all, after, before, as soon as, in the end, gradually |
space and place | above, behind, below, beyond, here, there, to the right (left), nearby, opposite, on the other side, in the background, directly ahead, along the wall, as you turn right, at the top, across the hall, at this point, adjacent to |
to signal an example | for example, to illustrate, for instance, to be specific, such as, moreover, furthermore, just as important, similarly, in the same way |
results | as a result, hence, so, accordingly, as a consequence, consequently, thus, since, therefore, for this reason, because of this |
purpose | to this end, for this purpose, with this in mind, for this reason(s) |
comparison | like, in the same manner (way), as so, similarly |
contrast connectives | but, in contrast, conversely, however, still, nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, and yet, on the other hand, on the contrary, or, in spite of this, actually, in fact |
to summarize or report | in summary, to sum up, to repeat, briefly, in short, finally, on the whole, therefore, as I have said, in conclusion, as you can see |
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