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Módulo III -
Watch the latest news summary from BBC World News. International news updated 24 hours a day .
Acknowledging the pain of the other can often be the first step towards some form of reconciliation.
For two countries that have had no diplomatic relations for three decades, Mr Obama's mention of the suffering of Iranians dying from sarin gas attacks in the waning years of the Iran-Iraq war is akin to an olive branch.
Mr Rouhani was not in the UN chambers but his foreign minister was.
The two countries are now engaged in an elaborate diplomatic dance, which will last all week. No-one expects a tangible breakthrough - years of difficult history cannot be overcome overnight, and it's hard to see how Washington and Tehran's regional interests will ever overlap.
But it's the first time since Obama made his offer to engage America's foes during his 2009 inaugural speech that Iran has responded so positively and so publicly.
Reconhecendo a dor do outro, muitas vezes pode ser o primeiro passo em direção a alguma forma de reconciliação.
Para dois países que não tinham relações diplomáticas por três décadas, Mr Obama menciona o sofrimento dos iranianos morrendo de ataques com gás sarin nos anos finais da guerra Irã-Iraque , a guerra é semelhante a um ramo de oliveira.
Mr Rouhani não estava nas câmaras da ONU, mas seu ministro das Relações Exteriores estava .
Os dois países estão agora envolvidos em uma dança diplomática elaborada, que vai durar toda a semana. Ninguém espera um avanço tangível - anos de história difícil, não pode ser superado durante a noite, e é difícil ver como Washington e os interesses regionais de Teerã jamais se sobrepõem.
Mas é a primeira vez desde que Obama fez a sua oferta para envolver os inimigos da América , durante seu discurso inaugural de 2009 , que o Irã tem respondido de forma tão positiva e tão publicamente.
Veja o texto abaixo , ok . Áudio e leitura separados . Quantas vezes forem necessárias , ok .
Shakespeare said that jealousy is a mix of emotions . Sadness , anger and err ... embarrassment , I think ... I`m not sure ... anyway , Shakespeare said it , or maybe not . Maybe it was Dante , or my mum .
Anyway , whoever said it ... I agree . I am jealous and I hate it .
In my `CULTURE SCHOCK ` stories for Speak Up , I made `CONCI `the jealous one , but I was really talking about myself .
Jealousy makes you go from begin a sane, rational person to insecure , paranoid maniac !
Last week I called my girlfriend and her phone was switched off . Now , there are a thousand possibilities as to why her phone off : dead battery , sound off , left in the car ... and there was only one possibility in a thousand that she had switched it off because she was in bed with another man . BUT that was the only possibility I saw ... and why was it was the only possibility I saw ? Because it was THE TRUTH ( at least in my head ! ) .
Then later , at the restaurant , I heard she got a message on her cellphone . She looked at the message and laughed .
Now , as we all know , women only laugh at cellphone messages when it`s a particularly erotic message from another man ! Or is that just in my my head , too ?
So , I asked her who the was from , and she answered : " II mio amico ." " AMICO " in italian means MALE FRIEND ... which , as we all know , does not exist !
" UN AMICO " is just a man who is ... waiting for his chance ! I think Shakespeare said that , too .
As you can see , jealousy makes you completely irrational . It`s a disease . As I said in the past , there should be wards in hospital for jealous people like us .
Or maybe not ...
Can you imagine a ward full of just jealous people ?
Nurse , why do you keep going to him and you never come to meeeee ?!
Maybe not .
I was even jealous of my girlsfreind`s cat !
On her cellphone ( which I read every time she goes to the bathroom ) she has a picture of her stupid cat !
When I asked her why she didn`t have a picture of ME on her phone , she said : " Men come and go , my cat will always love me ! "
You can`t argue with that .
So , to spite her , I bought a hamster ( a usuless little animal ) and put a picture of him on my phone display . When I showed her , she said : " How cute ! "
I can`t win , I can NEVER win `cos I`m jealous .
She still has the stupid cat on her display and I have to feed the stupid hamster !
And now the cat is jealous of the hamster !
You see , it also affects animals ... it`s a territorial thing ... a usuless , primative ,possessive instinct that has now evolved to ruin modern relationships like mine .
My theory and justification is this . My girlfriend`s theory is that I´m simply an idiot. .
Maybe I am .
Or maybe not .
Watch the latest news summary from BBC World News. International news updated 24 hours a day .
Acknowledging the pain of the other can often be the first step towards some form of reconciliation.
For two countries that have had no diplomatic relations for three decades, Mr Obama's mention of the suffering of Iranians dying from sarin gas attacks in the waning years of the Iran-Iraq war is akin to an olive branch.
Mr Rouhani was not in the UN chambers but his foreign minister was.
The two countries are now engaged in an elaborate diplomatic dance, which will last all week. No-one expects a tangible breakthrough - years of difficult history cannot be overcome overnight, and it's hard to see how Washington and Tehran's regional interests will ever overlap.
But it's the first time since Obama made his offer to engage America's foes during his 2009 inaugural speech that Iran has responded so positively and so publicly.
Reconhecendo a dor do outro, muitas vezes pode ser o primeiro passo em direção a alguma forma de reconciliação.
Para dois países que não tinham relações diplomáticas por três décadas, Mr Obama menciona o sofrimento dos iranianos morrendo de ataques com gás sarin nos anos finais da guerra Irã-Iraque , a guerra é semelhante a um ramo de oliveira.
Mr Rouhani não estava nas câmaras da ONU, mas seu ministro das Relações Exteriores estava .
Os dois países estão agora envolvidos em uma dança diplomática elaborada, que vai durar toda a semana. Ninguém espera um avanço tangível - anos de história difícil, não pode ser superado durante a noite, e é difícil ver como Washington e os interesses regionais de Teerã jamais se sobrepõem.
Mas é a primeira vez desde que Obama fez a sua oferta para envolver os inimigos da América , durante seu discurso inaugural de 2009 , que o Irã tem respondido de forma tão positiva e tão publicamente.
Veja o texto abaixo , ok . Áudio e leitura separados . Quantas vezes forem necessárias , ok .
Anyway , whoever said it ... I agree . I am jealous and I hate it .
In my `CULTURE SCHOCK ` stories for Speak Up , I made `CONCI `the jealous one , but I was really talking about myself .
Jealousy makes you go from begin a sane, rational person to insecure , paranoid maniac !
Last week I called my girlfriend and her phone was switched off . Now , there are a thousand possibilities as to why her phone off : dead battery , sound off , left in the car ... and there was only one possibility in a thousand that she had switched it off because she was in bed with another man . BUT that was the only possibility I saw ... and why was it was the only possibility I saw ? Because it was THE TRUTH ( at least in my head ! ) .
Then later , at the restaurant , I heard she got a message on her cellphone . She looked at the message and laughed .
Now , as we all know , women only laugh at cellphone messages when it`s a particularly erotic message from another man ! Or is that just in my my head , too ?
So , I asked her who the was from , and she answered : " II mio amico ." " AMICO " in italian means MALE FRIEND ... which , as we all know , does not exist !
" UN AMICO " is just a man who is ... waiting for his chance ! I think Shakespeare said that , too .
As you can see , jealousy makes you completely irrational . It`s a disease . As I said in the past , there should be wards in hospital for jealous people like us .
Or maybe not ...
Can you imagine a ward full of just jealous people ?
Nurse , why do you keep going to him and you never come to meeeee ?!
Maybe not .
I was even jealous of my girlsfreind`s cat !
On her cellphone ( which I read every time she goes to the bathroom ) she has a picture of her stupid cat !
When I asked her why she didn`t have a picture of ME on her phone , she said : " Men come and go , my cat will always love me ! "
You can`t argue with that .
So , to spite her , I bought a hamster ( a usuless little animal ) and put a picture of him on my phone display . When I showed her , she said : " How cute ! "
I can`t win , I can NEVER win `cos I`m jealous .
She still has the stupid cat on her display and I have to feed the stupid hamster !
And now the cat is jealous of the hamster !
You see , it also affects animals ... it`s a territorial thing ... a usuless , primative ,possessive instinct that has now evolved to ruin modern relationships like mine .
My theory and justification is this . My girlfriend`s theory is that I´m simply an idiot. .
Maybe I am .
Or maybe not .
anger : raiva
I hate it : eu odeio isso
switched off : desligado
dead battery : bateria desligada
sound off : silencioso
truth : verdade
laughed : deu risada
waiting : esperando
disease : doença
wards : alas , enfermarias
nurse : enfermeira
you can`t argue with that : isso não se pode negar
to spite her : para provocá-la
usuless : inútil
how cute : que gracinha !
to feed : dar comida , alimentar
evolved : evoluído
PS : So , to spite her , I bought a hamster . To spite someone . Utilizamos essa expressão para dizer que algo é feito para " despeitar , irritar , contrariar alguém ". Portanto , só para irritá-la eu comprei um hamster " . SPITE também pode ser utilizado em outras expressões com significados completamente diferentes : In spite of the bad weather , they left at 7 ( Apesar do mau tempo , eles saíram as 7 ) , In spite of fact I hate small animals , I bought a hamster ( Apesar de eu odiar pequenos animais , eu comprei um hamster ) .
Começamos agora a praticar com o apoio de vídeos , ok .
Veja abaixo e execute o mesmo procedimento , ok .
Após assistir o vídeo-matriz , acione os vídeos texto e vídeo-tradução simultaneamente , ok .
A expressão What is the meaning of ? Significa ` o que significa ` . Informalmente é usada What it means ? Então , se eu perguntar pra você What it means `what it means ?
The big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big black bug back !
The big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back .
Today yesterday tomorrow
the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow
Parents - a primeira coisa que pensamos ao nos depararmos com essa palavra é PARENTE .
Quer dizer PAIS . PARENTE é bem diferente , e diferente mesmo : RELATIVES .
NEW and NEWS : o novo e a notícia .
GOOD AND GOODS : o bom e bens .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exercícios para soltar a língua .
Let`s check together , right now , what`s going on , about the new expression. .
Let`s get the ball rolling and ....and , let`s star the show on the road again .
Tell me a little bit about yourself .....know-how ...background .
Believe in yourself and never give up , ok .
Let`s check together the vídeos below . Have a nice day and I will see later .
Let`s check together , what´s going on , about Soul Music , right !
Hope that we can be together soon
By Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes
When I'm away from you, boy
All I seem to do is cry And then when I see you, boy
My, how the time does fly
I don't know if you need and love me
The way I love and need you
I hope that we can be together soon
I hope that we can be together soon
I hope that we can be together soon
Real soon
Can you make it real soon
When I think about you, girl
Chills run up and down my spine
And if my wish would come true, girl
I'd be with you all the time
For the right(?), day and night I'm gonna miss you
All my lonely heart seems to do
I hope that we can be together soon
(Maybe tomorrow)
I hope that we can be together soon
(Maybe tomorrow)
I feel that we can be together soon
But will you make it real soon
(I can't wait)
Can you make it real soon
(I can't wait)
I hope that we can be together
I swear I can't wait any longer
Every day my love grows stronger
Ooh, baby
And I, I'd like to
Tudo o que eu pareço fazer é chorar
E então quando eu vejo você, garoto
Nossa, como o tempo voa
Eu não sei se você precisar de mim e me amar
A maneira que eu amo e preciso de você
Espero que possamos estar juntos em breve
Espero que possamos estar juntos em breve
Espero que possamos estar juntos em breve
Muito em breve
Pode fazê-lo em breve
Quando eu penso em você, garota
Calafrios correr para cima e para baixo a minha espinha
E se o meu desejo se tornasse realidade, menina
Eu ficaria com você o tempo todo
Errado ou certo, dia e noite, eu vou sentir sua falta
Todo o meu coração solitário parece fazer
Espero que possamos estar juntos em breve
(Talvez amanhã)
Espero que possamos estar juntos em breve
(Talvez amanhã)
Eu sinto que nós podemos estar juntos em breve
Mas você vai fazê-lo em breve
(Eu não posso esperar)
Pode fazê-lo em breve
(Eu não posso esperar)
Espero que possamos estar juntos
Eu juro que eu não posso esperar mais
A cada dia meu amor cresce mais forte
Ooh, baby
E eu, eu gostaria de ...
Pronuncia e conversação .
Something like that .... What`s the meaning of ? What it means ?
Can you tell me a little bit about the difference between ....
May I go ahead ? Of course , yes you may , go ahead please .
Sound`s good . So far , so good ........
Advice and device , can you tell me about the difference ?
Where were you two days ago ?
Where and were
UK - United Kingdom
USA - United States of America
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
For while ....that`s it .
First , first of all , to begin with , secondly , next , then , after that , finally , lastly .
First of all you have to read the recipe .
Next you have to buy the ingredients .
Second , secondly , you should preheats the oven .
While the oven is preheating mix the ingredients together and put them in a pan .
After that , let the cake bake for 20 minutes .
Finally , take the cake out of the oven and ice it .
Expressões de quantidade e intensidade : MUCH , MANY , VERY , VERY MUCH , SO , SO MUCH , SO MANY , TOO , TOO MUCH , TOO MANY , ENOUGH .
1. Much : muito - a
a- antes de substantivo não-contável , sempre no singular :
MUCH water-rain-food, etc . ( Muita água-chuva-comida,etc . )
b-antes de adjetivo no grau comparativo, acentuando a diferença na comparação :
MUCH easier-better-worse, etc . ( Muito mais fácil-melhor-pior-etc . )
2. MANY , antes de substantivos contáveis , no plural : muito-as .
Many rivers-books-people-etcs . ( Muitos rios-livros-pessoas-etcs . )
3. VERY , antes de adjetivou outro adverbio , no grau normal : muito .
VERY easy -cold-late-well-etcs . ( Muito fácil-frio-tarde-bem-etcs . )
4. VERY MUCH , depois do verbo e seu complemento , em posição diferente da que ocorre em português : muito .
I like her very much . ( Eu gosto muito dela )
5. SO , antes de adjetivo ou adverbio , no grau normal : tão .
She is SO lovely ! ( Ela é tão adorável . ) She sings SO well . ( Ela canta tão bem . )
6. SO MUCH ( antes de substantivo não-contável , singular ) tanto-a , SO MANY ( antes de substantivo contável , no plural ) : tantos-as .
She makes so much money ... She has so many fans ...
( Ela ganha tanto dinheiro ... Ela tem tantos fãs ... )
7. TOO : demais .
a- antes de adjetivo ou outro adverbio , no grau normal :
TOO easy-cold-late-well-etcs . ( Facil-frio-tarde-bem demais , etc . )
b- antes de much , many , little :
Too much danger ( perigo demais )
Too many drugs ( drogas demais )
Too little hope ( esperança de menos )
8. ENOUGH : suficiente ( mente )
a- antes de substantivo :
There is not ENOUGH opportunity in their lives . ( Não há oportunidade suficiente na vida deles. )
b- depois de adjetivo ou adverbio , no grau normal :
They are not strong ENOUGH to solve their problems . ( Eles não são suficientemente fortes para resolver seus problemas . )
Homework ... the most importante is to understand what`s going on in all over the world .
addition of ideas | and, also, besides, further, furthermore, too, moreover, in addition, then, of equal importance, equally important, another |
time | next, afterward, finally, later, last, lastly, at last, now, subsequently, then, when, soon, thereafter, after a short time, the next week (month, day, etc.), a minute later, in the meantime, meanwhile, on the following day, at length, ultimately, presently |
order or sequence | first, second, (etc.), finally, hence, next, then, from here on, to begin with, last of all, after, before, as soon as, in the end, gradually |
space and place | above, behind, below, beyond, here, there, to the right (left), nearby, opposite, on the other side, in the background, directly ahead, along the wall, as you turn right, at the top, across the hall, at this point, adjacent to |
to signal an example | for example, to illustrate, for instance, to be specific, such as, moreover, furthermore, just as important, similarly, in the same way |
results | as a result, hence, so, accordingly, as a consequence, consequently, thus, since, therefore, for this reason, because of this |
purpose | to this end, for this purpose, with this in mind, for this reason(s) |
comparison | like, in the same manner (way), as so, similarly |
contrast connectives | but, in contrast, conversely, however, still, nevertheless, nonetheless, yet, and yet, on the other hand, on the contrary, or, in spite of this, actually, in fact |
to summarize or report | in summary, to sum up, to repeat, briefly, in short, finally, on the whole, therefore, as I have said, in conclusion, as you can see |

Put on: This phrase means “to begin to wear” and usually refers to clothing. It can also mean “to perform.” Here are some examples: Put on a coat because it is cold. He put on a show for us last night.
Put off: This phrase means “to postpone or delay” and usually refers to waiting to do work. Here is an example: I wish I hadn’t put off doing my homework until tonight.
Put up (with): This phrase has a few different meanings. It can mean “to provide someone with a place to sleep” or it can mean “to elevate something.” Here are some examples: We have an extra bed so we can put you up for the night Will you put up the Christmas decorations today? The phrase “put up with” means “tolerar or aguentar.” For example: It is hard to put up with my baby sister.
Put out: This phrase can mean “to display” or it can mean “to inconvenience.” Here are a couple of examples: Please put out all the candies so our guests can have what they want. I hope I haven’t put you out by asking you for this favor.
Put back: This phrase means “to return something to its original place.” Here is an example: Please put the book back where you found it.
Put away: This phrase means “guardar.” For example: I will put away the clothes we won’t need for the trip.
Links externos para aprender mais: Here are some more examples of how these phrases are used: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article6920761.ece(see title)
http://www.bangaloremirror.com/article/10/201003092010030904581863aa3aa54c/New-tech-can-put-out-wiring-fires-in-a-flash.html(see title)
http://bible.cc/ephesians/6-11.htm(see New International Version etc.) - See more at: http://www.ingles200h.com/ingles-online/dicas/dicas-de-ingles/ingles-avancado/ph_verbs/phrasal-verbs-com-put/#sthash.h8Z6nxvq.dpuf
Assista o vídeo abaixo e identifique os conectivos .
Speaking , grammar , listening , writing and reading .
When the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were built, controversy arose because the spire extended nine meters higher than the roof of the Sears Tower, which until then had been considered the tallest building in the world.
Quando as Torres Gêmeas Petronas, em Kuala Lumpur, na Malásia, foram construídas houve muita controvérsia porque a torre espiral ficou nove metros mais alta do que o teto da Torre Sears que, até então, era considerada a construção mais alta do mundo.
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Expressões Idiomáticas
TV - UNITED KINGDOM - Reino Unido .
TV on Line - USA - United States of America .
Grupo Dicas de Inglês
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
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