Brazilian Language of Signs - LIBRAS .
Interdisciplinary Practice: Introduction to Research.
a - History
b - Legislation
c - Fundamentals and Nomenclatures
d - Challenges and Perspectives
Topics under discussion and study:
Exclusion , Segregation , Integration and Inclusion.Preconception . What is prejudice?
It is a judgment of values created without objective reason, establishing rules and parameters that manifests itself through intolerance.
Usually this intolerance shows itself in many ways , from the social status , sexual orientation , ethnicity , the way of speaking , dressing , cultural , age , intellectual , from anyone or social group.
Registration 08.10.
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Declaration of Salamanca (Spain)
- Guatemala Convention
Decree 3.956.
- Law 7.853 (page 28)
- LDB (Law of Guidelines and Bases)
- Psychological Foundations of Inclusive Education
- Space , Time , Content and Resources.
Proof Topic: Law 12.794.
The Law establishes the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder . Called of Law Berenice Piana , provides for the participation of the community in the formulation of public policies aimed to the autistic, in addition to its implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The law , access to health services and actions is assured , including: early diagnosis , multiprofessional care , adequate nutrition and treatment therapy . Similarly , the person with autism will have ensured access to education and vocational education , housing , labor market and social security.
Writing : The rights of the person with Autism.
From the earliest records of social life, man carries with him the stigma of classification that comes down to the present day.
All cultures and societies have gone through radical transformations in order to adapt to the new times, to the new ideas of adaptation and social inclusion.
Nowadays, public policies and new studies seek to bring more quality of life and to strengthen the ties of social relation through inclusion.
Law 12.794, which establishes the National Policy for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder, proposes and institutes a new bias in the quality of life of these people.
This law ranges from monitoring and evaluation to access to the labor market, social security and welfare.
All this process of seeking solutions with legal sustainability, parallel with an information and education program, will certainly only add positively to the quality of life of these people.
Undoubtedly, we are not living the prehistoric phase, we live the world of technology and globalization, where social insertion becomes a tool of extreme importance for the development of a more humane society.
Proof 08.10 - Unit I
15.10 - Units I and II
22.10 - Units I, II and III
Unit III - Page 127
Syndrome, Autism Range Disorder, Specific Learning Disorders and Behavior.
Check Topic 4 - Beyond Deficiencies and Syndromes.
The presence of Prejudice and Bullying in Our Schools.
Cinematographic material on the subject in question.
Registration 21.11
Academic work: Introduction to Research.
Complementary Courses and Activities:
- General Anthropology and the Multicultural Debate
- Course on African Culture
- Course between letters: Professional Training in Portuguese Language
- Research methodology
- Course on Human Rights
- Inclusive Practices for Teacher Training
- Technologies and their Impacts on Society
- Leveling Course in Portuguese Language
- Indigenous and African Contribution in the Formation of the Brazilian People
- Pedagogy Workshop "Reinventing Old and New Practices"
- Neurolinguistic programming
- Spell Reform Leveling
- Toy Library: The Practice of the Pedagogy Course
- Pedagogy: Playing
- Course Socioeconomic Development in The Human Sciences
- Communication and Oratory
- Topics in Education I
- Topics in Education II
- Innovation in Education and Organizations
- Society and Citizenship
- Educational Mediation in Informal Spaces
- Basic English I
- Basic English II
- Basic English III
- Double Degree Agreements : What , Why and How do you make ?
Record 19.02.2019
- Professional Perspectives
- Society , Education and Culture
- Historical-Philosophical Context of Education
- Psychology of Education and Learning
- Educational Policies.
Registration 02.07.2019
Interdisciplinary Practice III ( Foreigness )
English Language
a - Basic English Course I
b - Basic English Course II
c - Basic English Course III
Curriculum Theories and Practices
Linguistics Applied to the English Language
Cultural Aspects of the English Language
Education and Diversity
Compulsory Internship I
English Phonetics and Phonology
English language III
English Language Didactics II
English Language Skills II
Cross-sectional Study I
Interdisciplinary Practice: Culture of English-Speaking Countries
Support : MADU RADIO . MADUTVweb .
Mario Dutra - Projeto Speed Bossa Brasil .
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ResponderExcluirMario Jose Nunes Dutra (1552340)
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Ferramentas Pedagógicas . (2019/2) 2 2
N.E.W. - Novas Experiências Wizard (2019/2) 2 2
Jornada do Aluno . (2019/2) 1 1
Padronização Pedagógica Wizard . (2019/2) 1 1
Programação Neurolinguística ( PNL ) Wizard (2019/2) 1 1
Eficácia na Wizard : Resultados dos alunos Wizard (2019/2) 2 2
Tecnologias e seus impactos sobre a sociedade (2019/2) 30 30
Kids 2 New (2019/2) 1 1
Inglês Básico III (2019/2) 50 35
TEENS 2 Wizard . (2019/2) 3 3
New Teens 4 - Wizard (2019/2) 2 2
Teens 6 . Wizard (2019/2) 2 2
Wizard Training LIVE (2019/2) 6 6
Next Generation (2019/2) 4 4
Conhecendo a Universidade Corporativa - Franquias (2019/2) 2 2
O Coordenador Pedagógico Wizard (2019/2) 3 3
Future 7 (2019/2) 2 2
Cultura Organizacional (2019/2) 1 1
Avaliação de Desempenho (2019/2) 2 2
Calendários e Controles Pedagógicos Wizard (2019/2) 1 1
Como captar Clientes Wizard (2019/2) 1 1
Endomarketing (2019/2) 1 1
Recrutamento e Seleção (2019/2) 3 3
Gestão (2019/2) 2 2
Liderança (2019/2) 2 2
Conhecendo a Universidade Corporativa - Franquias (2019/2) 2 2
Objeções - Módulo (2019/2) 1 1
Política de Segurança (2019/2) 1 1
Treinamento e Desenvolvimento (2019/2) 2 2
Wizard International Program (2019/2) 2 2
W2 - NEW (2019/2) 2 1
Rapport (2019/2) 1 1
Recepção : Atendimento e Rotinas (2019/2) 1 1
Wiz - Growth - Prospecção (2019/2) 5 5
Wiz-me - Free Flight (2019/2) 1 1
Safeguarding - Melhores Práticas de Conduta (2019/2) 2 2
A experiência WizKids (2019/2) 2 2
Curso entre Letras : Formação do profissional de Língua Portuguesa (2019/2) 30 29
Curso sobre Práticas Inclusivas para Formação de Professores (2019/2) 40 36
Curso sobre Desenvolvimento Socioeconômico nas Ciências Humanas (2019/2) 40 38
Curso sobre Contribuição Indígena e Africana na Formação do Povo Brasileiro (2019/2) 20 20
Curso de Nivelamento em Língua Portuguesa (2019/2) 30 30
Oficina de Pedagogia " Reinventando Novas e Velhas Práticas" (2019/2) 10 10
Metodologia da Pesquisa (2019/2) 40 40
Nivelamento de Reforma Ortográfica (2019/2) 30 30
Brinquedoteca : A Prática do Curso de Pedagogia (2019/2) 30 10
Pedagogia : O Brincar (2019/2) 30 30
Comunicação e Oratória (2019/2) 30 30
Tópicos em Educação I (2019/2) 30 10
Sociedade e Cidadania (2019/2) 40 40
Mediação Educativa em Espaços Não Formais (2019/2) 40 40
Metodologia do Ensino das Artes (2019/2) 30 20
Política Nacional de Saúde Integral de Lésbicas , Gays , Bissexuais , Travestis e Transexuais . (2019/2) 30 20
Double Degree Agreements : What , Why , and How do you make ? (2019/2) 10 10
Tópicos em Educação II (2019/2) 30 20
Inovação na Educação e nas Organizações (2019/2) 20 10
Desconstruindo Racismo na Prática/UNIAFRO/UFGRS (2019/2) 60 20
I Semana Acadêmica de Recursos Humanos (2019/1) 12 12
Curso sobre Cultura Africana (2019/1) 20 20
Curso de Palestra de Gestão Financeira (2019/1) 4 4
Dia do Pedagogo . (2019/1) 4 4
Meio Ambiente - Arroio Passo Fundo . (2019/1) 2 2
Meio Ambiente 2 - Arroio Passo Fundo . (2019/1) 2 2
Inglês Básico II (2019/1) 50 50
SOS Mata Atlântida . Meio Ambiente . (2019/1) 2 2
Antropologia e o Debate Multicultural . (2019/1) 40 40
Curso sobre Direitos Humanos . (2019/1) 20 8
Inglês Básico I (2019/1) 50 40
Semana Acadêmica de Pedagogia . (2019/1) 20 20
Total da carga horária aprovada: 830
Total da carga horária da matriz curricular: 200
Total da carga horária faltante: 0