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Pronomes Pessoais - Personal Pronouns
Pronomes Reflexivos - Reflexive Pronouns
Pronomes Possessivos - Possessive Pronouns
Please read aloud and translate . ( Voz alta ) .
Why is to hard to say " red lorry , yellow lorry " ? Because your brain gets confused ( not your tongue ) . To prove this , try to mentally articulate " red lorry , yellow lorry " three times in rapid succession , without moving your lips . Then do the same with the phrase " red lorry , yellow lorry " . Your brain probably has trouble with the first phrase , but not with the second .
Now try to say " the big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back and I saw Suzie sitting in a shoe shine shop , where she shines she sits and where she sits she shines .
How can you explain that ? The answer is that the brain has to "plan " each sound in series of the words or syllables before you can say it . When two or more similar sounds occur close together the brain gets confused in its plan , and you stumble when you try to say the phrase .
Some people , however , have no difficulty with these confusing phrases which are called tongue-twisters ( brain-twisters ) . Language expert professor Brian Butterworth of University College London has one student who can say " Peggy Babcock " 120 times in one minute . Try it if have nothing better to do .
Why is to hard to say " red lorry , yellow lorry " ? Because your brain gets confused ( not your tongue ) . To prove this , try to mentally articulate " red lorry , yellow lorry " three times in rapid succession , without moving your lips . Then do the same with the phrase " red lorry , yellow lorry " . Your brain probably has trouble with the first phrase , but not with the second .
Now try to say " the big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back and I saw Suzie sitting in a shoe shine shop , where she shines she sits and where she sits she shines .
How can you explain that ? The answer is that the brain has to "plan " each sound in series of the words or syllables before you can say it . When two or more similar sounds occur close together the brain gets confused in its plan , and you stumble when you try to say the phrase .
Some people , however , have no difficulty with these confusing phrases which are called tongue-twisters ( brain-twisters ) . Language expert professor Brian Butterworth of University College London has one student who can say " Peggy Babcock " 120 times in one minute . Try it if have nothing better to do .
Verificação e planejamento dos horários .
ResponderExcluirTerça-feira - 06:00 ~ 21:00 ok
Quarta-feira - 06:00 ~ 09:00 ok
Quinta-feira - 07:00 ~ 22:00 ok
Sexta -feira 07:30 ~ 10:00 ok
sábado 04:00 ~ 21:00 ok
domingo Conforme teu planejamento
Todos esses horários estão disponíveis . É necessário que faças teu planejamento para eu adequar-me aqui .
Pronomes possessivos e demonstrativos . Not and Don´t . Estrutura na formulação de perguntas com o verbo TO BE . WH - pronomes relativos . Verbos modais .
ResponderExcluirRegistro - 22.05.2021
ResponderExcluirEstrutura de concordância verbal e nominal . Tempos verbais no Past Simple - troca/utilização da terceira pessoa do singular com a supressão do S . Formas verbais no passado com os regulares , ou seja ED , e os irregulares que mudam na estrutura . Epêntese vocálica - fonética/utilização de transferência e alternância - letra R e H, mais as palavras terminadas em consoantes .
Verificar Present Continuous e Past Continuous .
ResponderExcluirO avanço e aprimoramento das práticas linguísticas estavam oralmente audíveis e visíveis . Registro de encerramento das aulas on line .