CNPJ : 28.645.558/0001-43
Fone : 051 981641690
E-mail :
- Let´s start our show on the road again : let´s go to tell me a little bit about yourself .
- First of all , we´re going to check together days of the week and TO BE verb and personal pronouns , right !
Grammar , speaking , reading , listening and writing .
- So , I have a few questions , if you don´t mind , ok !
- Not at all .
- What day is today ? What day was yesterday , What day was the day before yesterday ? What day will be tomorrow ? What day will be the day after tomorrow ? What day is going to be tomorrow ? What day is going to be the day after tomorrow ?
Exercises - On Line . Click please .
Exercise 2 - On line . Click here .
The Wall Street Journal
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Expressões Idiomáticas
Grupo Dicas de Inglês
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
TV on Line - UNITED KINGDOM - Reino Unido .
Metodologia . Aplicabilidades e Resultados .
CNPJ : 28.645.558/0001-43
Fone : 051 981641690
E-mail :
- Let´s start our show on the road again : let´s go to tell me a little bit about yourself .
- First of all , we´re going to check together days of the week and TO BE verb and personal pronouns , right !
Grammar , speaking , reading , listening and writing .
- So , I have a few questions , if you don´t mind , ok !
- Not at all .
- What day is today ? What day was yesterday , What day was the day before yesterday ? What day will be tomorrow ? What day will be the day after tomorrow ? What day is going to be tomorrow ? What day is going to be the day after tomorrow ?
Exercise 2 - On line . Click here .
Sites de apoio .
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Expressões Idiomáticas
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
TV on Line - UNITED KINGDOM - Reino Unido .
Bom dia irmão . Use esse espaço para dar suas sugestões .
ResponderExcluirThank you so much for your kindness and your attention my dear buddy .