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Hello Mr . Jadson . Está é a tua pagina , onde farei os registros das nossas atividades . Teu sucesso é a minha vitória .
Faça o teste nos links , ok !
Aqui serão feitos os registros do conteúdo programático que iremos construir juntos .
What it means -------- in portuguese ? , So, -------- it means in portuguese --------- .
How can I say ------- in portuguese ? To say -------- in portuguese is ----------- .
What day is today ?
What day was yesterday ?
What day was the day before yesterday ?
Segundo pesquisas , mais de 80% da classe média brasileira não fala uma língua estrangeira . E o percentual de indivíduos que falam com fluência o idioma é insignificante na relação com o potencial de desenvolvimento do país .
Embora algumas pessoas ainda resistam em admitir , seja por razões ideológicas , seja por outros motivos , o inglês é a língua do mundo , o idioma da internet , das relações comerciais , do turismo e da comunicação planetária . A fluência neste idioma assegura valorização profissional e melhores oportunidades .
Exemplo : Exercícios on line . ( inglês ) ( 1 )
Exercícios on line . ( espanhol )
Exercícios on line . ( japonês )
Exercícios on line . ( espanhol )
Exercícios on line . ( japonês )
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am a teacher . I am not a teacher . Am I a teacher ?
You are a lawyer . You are not a lawyer . Are you a lawyer ?
He is a journalist . He is not a journalist . Is he a journalist ?
She is a recepcionist . She is not a recepcionist . Is she a recepcionist ?
You are the sunshine of my life You are not the sunshine of my life . Are you the sunshine of my life?
We are good friends . We are not good friends . Are we a good friends ?
They are classmates They are not classmates . Are they classmates ?
Expressões idiomáticas de hoje .
Right now = Nesse instante , neste momento .
Now is your turn = Agora é a sua vez .
You are welcome = Equivale ao nosso " de nada " quando se agradece e também dizer que a pessoa é bem vinda .
So far , so good = Até aqui tudo bem .
Almost = Quase
Sometimes = Às vezes .
Go ahead = Siga em frente .
Expressões idiomáticas de hoje .
Right now = Nesse instante , neste momento .
Now is your turn = Agora é a sua vez .
You are welcome = Equivale ao nosso " de nada " quando se agradece e também dizer que a pessoa é bem vinda .
So far , so good = Até aqui tudo bem .
Almost = Quase
Sometimes = Às vezes .
Go ahead = Siga em frente .
Check the video below please .
Construindo vocabulário .
Registro 08.07.2020
Alguns processos fonológicos característicos de brasileiros que aprendem inglês , como a epêntese vocálica e a reestruturação de sílabas. Vejamos mais alguns fenômenos que podem ser observados comumente nas produções desses aprendizes: os sons que são distintivos em uma das duas línguas e não o são na outra; as diferenças das vogais e das consoantes de uma língua e as de outra; as questões de ritmo, entonação e tonicidade e o sotaque do brasileiro falando inglês.
Registro 14.07.2020
Registro 05.08.2020
Registro 14.08.2020
The new video .
Registro 27.09.2020
Modal Verb : Should
Modal verb : Must
Registro 14.10.2020
Registro 04.12.2020
Why is to hard to say " red lorry , yellow lorry " ? Because your brain gets confused ( not your tongue ) . To prove this , try to mentally articulate " red lorry , yellow lorry " three times in rapid succession , without moving your lips . Then do the same with the phrase " red lorry , yellow lorry " . Your brain probably has trouble with the first phrase , but not with the second .
Now try to say " the big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back and I saw Suzie sitting in a shoe shine shop , where she shines she sits and where she sits she shines .
How can you explain that ? The answer is that the brain has to "plan " each sound in series of the words or syllables before you can say it . When two or more similar sounds occur close together the brain gets confused in its plan , and you stumble when you try to say the phrase .
Some people , however , have no difficulty with these confusing phrases which are called tongue-twisters ( brain-twisters ) . Language expert professor Brian Butterworth of University College London has one student who can say " Peggy Babcock " 120 times in one minute . Try it if have nothing better to do .
Now try to say " the big black bug bit the big black bear but the big black bear bit the big black bug back and I saw Suzie sitting in a shoe shine shop , where she shines she sits and where she sits she shines .
How can you explain that ? The answer is that the brain has to "plan " each sound in series of the words or syllables before you can say it . When two or more similar sounds occur close together the brain gets confused in its plan , and you stumble when you try to say the phrase .
Some people , however , have no difficulty with these confusing phrases which are called tongue-twisters ( brain-twisters ) . Language expert professor Brian Butterworth of University College London has one student who can say " Peggy Babcock " 120 times in one minute . Try it if have nothing better to do .
Registro 15.02.2021
The tree is beatiful machine that works for the benefit of humanity , animals and plants . Most forms of life on Earth need oxygen . We do not get oxygen from industrial machines. We get it from the tree machines . Trees make the oxygen that we need to take from the air . Industrial machines pollute the air .Trees do not pollute it . On the contrary , they clean it . The industrial machine makes a lot of noise . The tree machine does not make any noise . On the contrary , it filters noise .
The tree machine dos not need coal , oil , gas or eletricity to work . Its fuel comes from the water , sunlight and carbon dioxide . When a tree dies , it helps new plants . The combination of water , insects and microorganisms in the soil causes the decomposition of the tree . When a tree dies , it gives nutrients to the soil for other tree to use as fuel . So , the tree does not die really . It recycles its substance for the benefit of all animal and plant life .
Please remember : the tree is your friend . Do not destroy it .
Registro 04.03.2021
Idiomatics Expressions .
Registro 25.03.2021
TRY ( click here )
Ever wonder about what he's doing?
How it all turned to lies?
Sometimes I think that it's better to never ask why
Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
You gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Eh, eh, eh
Funny how the heart can be deceiving
More than just a couple times
Why do we fall in love so easy?
Even when it's not right
Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
You gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Ever worry that it might be ruined
And does it make you wanna cry?
When you're out there doing what you're doing
Are you just getting by?
Tell me are you just getting by, by, by?
Where there is desire
There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
You gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Sites de apoio .
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Los Angeles Times
Expressões Idiomáticas
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
TV on Line - UNITED KINGDOM - Reino Unido .
I , you , he , she , it you , we , they . Eu , voce , ele , ela , isto , vocês , nós , eles e elas .
ResponderExcluirI am are .......he is ....she is is are .....we are .....they are
ResponderExcluirHow old are you ?
ResponderExcluirRight now we are going to check together day of the week .
ResponderExcluirRight we are going to check together das of the week .
ResponderExcluirI was .... you were .....he was .... she was ..... it was were .....we were ....they were
ResponderExcluirHow are you ? How do you do ? How are you doing ? How is it going ? How hve you ben doing ? greetings and introductions .
ResponderExcluirEste comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluirEnglish Warming . Global Warming .
ResponderExcluirWhat it means --------- in portuguese ? -------- it means in portuguese --------- .
ResponderExcluirAcabou a bateria ....vou finalizar com mensagem np WhatsApp .
ResponderExcluirOne Day at Time
ResponderExcluirAs I was talking ..... Present Continuous
ResponderExcluirHow a man like me like a woman like you .